Monday, May 30, 2011

Antigua to lead UNICEF Executive Board

ST. JOHN’S, Antigua, Monday May 30, 2011 – Antigua’s United Nations (UN) Ambassador will from next year run the Executive Board of a major UN agency, the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF).

Dr. John Ashe received the endorsement of the UN Group of Latin American and Caribbean States (GRULAC) to serve as President of the Board for a one-year term beginning January 1, 2012.

The Executive Board is the governing body of UNICEF, providing intergovernmental support and oversight to the organization, in accordance with the overall policy guidance of the United Nations General Assembly and its Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). It also reviews UNICEF activities and approves its policies, country programmes and budgets.

“This is no small achievement for our twin-island nation and I would like to thank the 32 countries of the Latin American and Caribbean region for the singular honour they have bestowed on the government and people of Antigua and Barbuda,” said Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer who announced Ambassador Ashe’s selection.

“UNICEF is globally recognized as a driving force that is working towards a world where the rights of every child are realized and through a variety of partners at grassroots level is unique among world organizations working with the young to try and turn the most innovative ideas into reality,” he added.

Ambassador Ashe, who recently completed a successful tenure as President of the Executive Board of UNDP/UNFPA, will bring considerable expertise to bear during his term as President of the UNICEF Executive Board. The Board meets three times each year at the UN headquarters in New York – in a first regular session in January/February, an annual session May/June and a second regular session in September.

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