Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What a Beach J'Ouvert!

As expected it was paint, fun and fete on Saturday at the 2011 staging of the highly anticipated Smirnoff Beach J'Ouvert.

When the Observer team arrived at its world reknowned James Bond Beach in Oracabessa venue close to 4:00pm, hundreds of Bacchanal enthusiasts were already on location, some enjoying the Smirnoff and other drink mixes provided while others just simply did what made Bacchanal what it was and that was to gyrate sexily on each other.

Unlike last year, there was no syrup pit, but there were no complaints as by the patrons as they made full use of the Digicel showers and the foam pit provided. It was almost 5:30 pm when DJ Bambino announced that the anticipated 'paint war' was about to begin, and in less than a minute, patrons were dunking each other in shades of yellow and blue.

James Bond Beach became a engulfed in a paint frenzy as socalite splashing and painting without warning. The only persons were spared were the few that seek refuge over in the no paint zone.

Dusk approached and a bon fire was ignited to warm the wet and cold. At the turntables DJ Bambino and the party animal Kurt Riley kept the audience entertained by providing the latest and most sought after soca hits. Although the entertainment and antics were well received by the James Bond Beach crowd all thoughts were on the performance and performer that was to become.

By 8:00 pm, all eyes were glued to the stage. It was time for the soca queen Destra Garcia to take centerstage. Dressed sexilly in black, Destra and her two male backup dancers began their energetic performance. Churning out hits such as Whe you want, Bonnie and Clyde, Fly, Independent Lady, Jumpin, Anyhow I like it, I Dare You to name a few. Hip gyrations, waves and jumps the Trinidad and Tobago's based artiste had those present at James Bond beach in a Bacchanal trance.

Special hightlights throughout her performances include inviting male and female revellers on stage for a dance competition. A small, medium, and large framed woman were instructed to unleash their dancing skill on a patron. As a reward the male was given a Destra Garcia CD. Througout her two hour performance the soca queen provocatively teased the male patrons not only through her lyrics but by the way of her hip gyrations and even bending over suggestively much to the delight of the males present there.

It was almost time for the ending of Smirnoff Bacchanal Beach J'Ouvert and Destra made her exit from the stage. A few patrons headed towards the exit but the majority remained stationary at the front of the stage 'demanding' an encore performance from Destra Garcia. Their wish was granted and the soca beauty returned this time performing for a few more minutes.

Minutes before the soca fete came to its ending the Observer spotted Smirnoff' Brand Manager Marsha Lumley in the VIP section dancing up a storm but breaking just a little to add that "Smirnoff Beach Jouvert was a great success for Smirnoff as we got the chance along with Bacchanal Jamaica, to create great entertainment for thousands of people while providing some of the world's best Smirnoff mixes."

The Bacchanal season winds downs with Soca at De Sandbar on April 27, Bacchanal J'ouvert with Bunji Garlin and Faye-Ann Lyons on April 29 which leads up the Bacchanal Road March on May 1.

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