Friday, May 20, 2011

'Don't point guns at people, unless…' - Commish

COMMISSIONER of Police Owen Ellington has ordered Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) personnel to desist from pointing their weapons at members of the public unless their safety is threatened.

Members of the constabulary are notorious for pointing their weapons at members of the public during stop and search and other operations and Ellington, in this week's Force Orders, said that the practice must end.

"At no time should the police point weapons directly at individuals unless they are under threat and or intend to shoot. Weapons kept at the ready should be lowered as soon as any threat is defused," he said.

Ellington also issued several orders relating to vehicular stop and search carried out by members travelling in service vehicles.
The orders are:

Not less than two police personnel should be in service vehicle;

There should be no civilians in the service vehicle;

The driver of a targeted vehicle should be signalled to stop (via flashing lights, siren, loud hailer horn etc);

Service vehicle should stop behind targeted vehicle;

Blocking of the public thoroughfare should not be done unless it’s a tactic that supports the operation;

Instructions should be given to the driver to turn the engine off and for driver/passengers to place hands where police can see them;

One member of the patrol should give instructions to the driver/passengers (preferably the observer);

The observer/observers should then cautiously approach the vehicle stopped, ensuring their safety;

The above instructions captured under stop and search would then be followed; and

Occupants of vehicles should be told that all instructions are to be obeyed for their safety and that of the officers.

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